The detailed explanation is below the pictures.

Lungs of the Turkey that how we called this region. Especially east Black Sea that we like to visit is a heaven for botanists because of its climate. Flora and fauna of the region is epic. Tea and hazelnut are their main products. Tranquility, refreshment, anti-aging must be your keywords to travel these beautiful cities. You might not find the best hotels in Turkey but we % 100 guarantees that you will see the best nature in Turkey. Summer is the best time to see the legendry greens of Black sea.
Church dates back to 4th Century and since then it was on foot of steep cliff and during the time, it had some restorations and adding’s. Importance of the church is the black skinned figures.
Untouched green forest is the remarkable in this valley. Mainly 1 to 5 hundred years old trees can seen today and it is one of the purist forest in terms of ecology.
Districk of Rize city, Camlihemsin has great importance of its nature and great plateaus such as Firtina or Ayder. Autumn in this places are just the fascinating with the colors of green to yellow.
99 km long lake gives the name of the district (Uzungol means Longlake). Because of the climate fogs are very common and fog reflecting from the surface of lake while the green mountains are at the background, you will only feel peace and tranquility.
Sitting high upon a hill, this medieval church is most famous for its gardens and for the lovely artwork on its interior. It took more than 6 years to restore the frescoes inside, among them beautiful scenes from the New Testament, including scenes of the miracles of Christ, the Ascension, and Genesis. The church today also doubles as a museum and is a worthwhile stop for a shorter excursion.